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CHS State of the Art SBM

Date: June 2021

Venue: Online/ Camarin HS

School Based Mangement is the Key Reform Thrust 1(KRT1) of BESRA that underscores the empowerment of the key stakeholders in school communities to enable them to actively participate in the continuous improvement schools towards the attainment of higher student learning outcomes.


School-based management is a strategy to improve education by transferring significant decision-making authority from state and district offices to individual schools. Camarin High School was able to join through the invitation provided by the Caloocan SDO

to determine the school's level through SBM validation. Through our principal's initiative,

Camarin High School made the SBM paperless. They renovated the office, and two computer sets were installed to cater to the online and offline submissions of MOVS of SBMS. The IT and the Records Unit are in charge of offline SBM, while RDLRU handles online SBM. On the 9th day of July 2021, the SBM validation team arrived to validate Camarin High School's SBM level.

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